API Features
Discover what the NMKR API with it's numerous endpoints can do for you.
Add these endpoints to your curl, in order to use the in your applications. Example:
If you want to try these endpoints before integrating them, please use the Swagger.
Add a payout wallet to your account | /v2/AddPayoutWallet/{walletaddress} |
List all payout wallets in your account | /v2/GetPayoutWallets |
Asset (Token)
Block/Unblock an nft (nft uid) | /v2/BlockUnblockNft/{nftuid}/{blockNft} |
Check if the metadata are valid | /v2/CheckMetadata/{nftuid} |
Delete all nfts from the database | /v2/DeleteAllNftsFromProject/{projectuid} |
Delete a nft from the database (nft uid) | /v2/DeleteNft/{nftuid} |
Duplicate a token inside a project. If a token already exists, it will be skipped | /v2/DuplicateNft/{nftuid} |
List detail information about one nft specified by Id (nft uid) | /v2/GetNftDetailsById/{nftuid} |
List detail information about one nft specified by its name | /v2/GetNftDetailsByTokenname/{projectuid}/{nftname} |
List detail information about nfts with a specific state with Pagination support. (project uid) | /v2/GetNfts/{projectuid}/{state}/{count}/{page} |
Update the Metadata for one specific NFT | /v2/UpdateMetadata/{projectuid}/{nftuid} |
Upload a File to a project and pin it to IPFS | /v2/UploadNft/{projectuid} |
Create a burning endpoint for a specific address | /v2/CreateBurningAddress/{projectuid}/{addressactiveinhours} |
Create a new Project | /v2/CreateProject |
Delete a project | /v2/DeleteProject/{projectuid} |
Return the count of the sold, reserved and free nfts (project uid) | /v2/Counts/{projectuid} |
Return the discounts for this project (project uid) | /v2/Discounts/{projectuid} |
Return information about the identities (if the identity token was created) of a project | /v2/IdentityAccounts/{policyid} |
Return the notifications for this project (project uid) | /v2/Notifications/{projectuid} |
Return the actual valid pricelist for this project (project uid) | /v2/Pricelist/{projectuid} |
Return detail information about a project | /v2/ProjectDetails/{projectuid} |
Return the saleconditions for this project (project uid) | /v2/SaleConditions/{projectuid} |
List all your projects | /v2/ListProjects |
List all your projects with pagination | /v2/ListProjects/{count}/{page} |
Update the discounts of a project | /v2/UpdateDiscounts/{projectuid} |
Update the notifications of a project | /v2/UpdateNotifications/{projectuid} |
Update a pricelist of a project | /v2/UpdatePricelist/{projectuid} |
Update the saleconditions of a project | /v2/UpdateSaleConditions/{projectuid} |
Payment transactions
Create a payment transaction | /v2/CreatePaymentTransaction |
Return payment transaction state | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/GetTransactionState |
Return payment address | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/PaymentAddress |
Sign MultiSig | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/SignDecentralPayment |
Check payment address | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/CheckPaymentAddress |
Cancel payment transaction | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/CancelTransaction |
Return Pricelist of project | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/GetPriceListForProject |
Lock NFT | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/LockNft |
Lock ADA | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/LockAda |
Submit Transaction | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/SubmitTransaction |
Place bid on auction | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/BetOnAuction |
Buy direct sale | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/BuyDirectsale |
Buy from secondary sale (direct sale) smart contract | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/BuyoutSmartcontractAddress |
Directsale offer | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/SellDirectsaleOffer |
End transaction | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/EndTransaction |
Reserve vie paymentgateway for mint and send | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/ReservePaymentgatewayMintAndSendNft |
Mint and send | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/MintAndSendPaymentgatewayNft |
Add custom properties | /v2/ProceedPaymentTransaction/{paymenttransactionuid}/UpdateCustomProperties |
Return all entries of a projects whitelist | /v2/ManageWhitelist/{projectuid} |
Add an entry to a projects whitelist | /v2/ManageWhitelist/{projectuid}/{address}/{countofnfts} |
Delete an entry from a projects whitelist | /v2/ManageWhitelist/{projectuid}/{address} |
Mints random Nfts and sends it to an Address | /v2/MintAndSendRandom/{projectuid}/{countnft}/{receiveraddress} |
Mints a specific Nft and sends it to an Address | /v2/MintAndSendSpecific/{projectuid}/{nftuid}/{tokencount}/{receiveraddress} |
Mints the royalty token | /v2/MintRoyaltyToken/{projectuid}/{royaltyaddress}/{percentage} |
ReMints a specific Nft and sends it to a burn address | /v2/RemintAndBurn/{projectuid}/{nftuid} |
Check if there applies a discount for an address | /v2/CheckIfEglibleForDiscount/{projectuid}/{address} |
Check, if an address matches the sale condtions | /v2/CheckIfSaleCondtionsMet/{projectuid}/{address}/{countnft} |
Return the utxo of an address | /v2/CheckUtxo/{address} |
Return active direct sale listings of a stake address | /v2/GetActiveDirectsaleListings/{stakeaddress} |
Return the actual price in EUR and USD for ADA | /v2/GetAdaRates |
Return all assets that are in a wallet | /v2/GetAllAssetsInWallet/{address} |
Return the quantity of a specific token in a wallet | /v2/GetAmountOfSpecificTokenInWallet/{address}/{policyid}/{tokenname} |
Return the quantity of a specific token in a wallet | /v2/GetAmountOfSpecificTokenInWallet/{policyid}/{tokenname} |
Return the Token Registry Information for a specific token (if available) | /v2/GetCardanoTokenRegistryInformation/{policyid}/{tokenname} |
Return a snapshot with all addresses and tokens for a specific policyid | /v2/GetPolicySnapshot/{policyid}/{cumulateStakeAddresses} |
Return the royalty information for a specific policyid | /v2/GetRoyaltyInformation/{policyid} |
Address reservation (sale)
Cancel a address reservation (project uid) | /v2/CancelAddressReservation/{projectuid}/{paymentaddress} |
Check an address for state changes (project uid) | /v2/CheckAddress/{projectuid}/{address} |
Check an custom property for state changes (project uid) | /v2/CheckAddressWithCustomproperty/{projectuid}/{customproperty} |
Return an address for a random nft sale (project id) | /v2/GetPaymentAddressForRandomNftSale/{projectuid}/{countnft}/{lovelace}/{customeripaddress} |
Return an address for a random nft sale (price from pricelist) (project id) | /v2/GetPaymentAddressForRandomNftSale/{projectuid}/{countnft}/{customeripaddress} |
Return an address for a specific nft sale (no random distribution) (project and nft id) | /v2/GetPaymentAddressForSpecificNftSale/{nftuid}/{tokencount}/{lovelace}/{customeripaddress} |
Return an address for a specific nft sale (no random distribution) - price from pricelist or specific nft price (project and nft id) | /v2/GetPaymentAddressForSpecificNftSale/{nftuid}/{tokencount}/{customeripaddress} |
Return an address for a multiple specific nfts sale (no random distribution) (project id) | /v2/GetPaymentAddressForSpecificNftSale/{customeripaddress} |
Wallet validation
Return the result of a wallet validation | /v2/CheckWalletValidation/{validationuid} |
Return an address for wallet validation | /v2/GetWalletValidationAddress/{validationname} |
Return an address for wallet validation | /v2/GetWalletValidationAddress |
Managed wallets
Create an Managed Wallet | /v2/CreateWallet/{customerid}/{walletpassword}/{enterpriseaddress}/{walletname} |
Create an Managed Wallet | /v2/CreateWallet/{customerid}/{walletpassword}/{enterpriseaddress} |
Return the utxo of an Managed Wallet | /v2/GetWalletUtxo/{address} |
Import an Wallet | /v2/ImportWallet/{customerid} |
Return the utxo of an Managed Wallet | /v2/ListAllWallets/{customerid} |
Make a transaction on a managed Wallet | /v2/MakeTransaction/{customerid}/{senderaddress}/{walletpassword} |
Returns the state - and the last bids of a auction project | /v2/AuctionState/{auctionuid} |
Smart Contract
Return smart contract address | /v2/GetBuyOutSmartcontractAddress/{customerid}/{txHashLockedinAssets} |
Return the datum information for a smartcontract directsale transaction | /v2/GetDatumInformationForSmartcontractDirectsaleTransaction/{txhash} |
Return listed Assets in Payment transaction | /v2/GetListedAssetPaymentTransaction/{policyid}/{assetnameinhex} |
Upload a File pin it to IPFS | /v2/UploadToIpfs/{customerid} |