Free Drops

Offer free drops for your customers

Free claimable Drops are a cheaper way to offer your customers free tokens than the airdrops. NMKR Studio utilizes NMKR Pay to let your customers claim the tokens for free.

Set up free Drops

Beta feature! NMKR Pay allows you to offer your customer free drops. For now, this feature can be only setup by us. So please open a ticket and let us know to which project we should add the free drop. Please plan some time for us to set this up for you (1-2 working days). Fill up your balance with 2ADA for each token, to cover the minting fees. More details.

Pricing of free Drops Customer side

The customer will pay 2ADA Deposit + 0,5ADA Cardano network fees for each token. The 2ADA that were paid as deposit will be sendback as MinUtxo* together with the NFT to the customers wallet. *The MinUtxo is a Cardano requirement. Every NFT needs to be sent together with a mimimum of ADA in the same transaction.

Pricing of free Drops Seller side

As we technically waive the NMKR minting fee to enable free Drops for your customer, you have to prepay the 2ADA minting fee for every NFT in the project. If you are not selling out all the free tokens, we can refund the 2ADA for every remaining NFT in the project and disable the free drop.