
Edit your project settings

To make changes to your project settings, navigate to the NFT projects tab and click the edit button.

Edit fundamental settings of your project

In the next step, you will see the 'edit section' further, the information tab of your project, which allows you to edit the project's information as well as some more important sales settings.

You can't change whether the project is for fungible or non-fungible tokens, and you can't change the policy locking settings after you created the project. You have to specify these details when setting up the project. Please read the policy documentation to learn more about these very important settings.

Sendback to customer

The sendback is a minimum amount of ADA that needs to be sent with every transaction that contains an asset. For an easier price calculation, you can set the sendback to 2ADA for each NFT, or 2 ADA for every 5 NFTs that were sent in one transaction. For reduced costs, please select "MinUtxo", this will calculate the sendback of each single transaction depending on the metadata size and token amount.

Block NFTs from sale

If you want to block a certain amount of random NFTs from being sold, please specify the amount here in your project settings and click on save.

The tokens blocked in the project settings, won't show up in the project as being blocked like the specific ones do. This method can be understood as a limit for the sales.

Additional Security

Depending on how you plan to set up the sales, disable random sales or disable specific sales with the buttons in the lower corner or the tab. 'Disable random sales' will only allow specific payment links and 'Disable Specific sales' will only allow random sales via NMKR Pay or the Pay-In Address. Further helpful Information is Security Practices and Deal with Bots.

Edit FIAT payment settings

NMKR Pay allows you to offer your customers FIAT payment. The FIAT tab in the project settings is where you want to enable or disable it for your project and where you want to change the USDC payout wallet.

Edit Metadata template

The metadata template helps you define a metadata structure that applies to all tokens in this project, you can specify placeholders and also add custom fields. To learn more about the metadata template itself, please check out the Metadata template documentation.

Notifications in the edit section

We just released the beta version of the notifications feature. Please read the documentation to set it up.