Guidelines Planning a Project

Guidelines for a successful launch

We want you to succeed with your project because we all win together! These guidelines should assist you in having a successful launch and providing a great mint experience for your community. This guideline will provide some helpful hints for avoiding the most common mistakes made when launching an NFT project.

Concept of sales

You want a personalized mint experience tailored to your community, with special sales conditions, discounts, a whitelisting process, airdropping, giveaways, or separated sales by creating multiple projects with the same policy ID? Create a checklist for your project and determine whether it is practicable and feasible in the manner you envision! NMKR Studio offers plenty of features and sales conditions that you can use for your project; please carefully read the documentation and understand how you intend to use NMKR Studio to realize your ideas.

Time management

Even though NMKR Studio is a simple tool that can be set up in minutes by an experienced user, you should allow more time for your project, especially if it is a bigger one. You've completed your artwork and metadata, and everything is ready for upload; what could possibly go wrong, and why do I need to plan more time? The most common problem is poor time management. Please keep in mind that you may encounter unexpected issues such as typos or errors in the metadata, incorrect project settings, or errors in the sales conditions. This is why, especially if your project is large, we recommend finishing it 2-3 days before the launch. It makes sense to have 3-5 test mints (you can use them for giveaways or keep the minted tokens for your team). Please keep in mind that proper planning and time management help to reduce errors and give your project a higher level of quality and professionalism.

Get help

If it is a highly anticipated project, we will add a queue to NMKR Pay to ensure a smooth and flawless minting experience, and we can also assist you in identifying problems with your project by cross-checking your setup. But we won't be able to do so if you contact us only a few minutes before the launch. Other projects may require our assistance as well, so please plan 2-3 days for that as well because working in a hurry can also lead to mistakes on our part as we try to help you at the last minute. So please use the support form or write us an email in time.


Allow mistakes to happen and learn how to avoid them in a safe test environment with tADA instead of real ADA/money in the mainnet. Even if you are ready with testing on the testnet and your project is already properly configured on the mainnet, please do some test mints just to be safe. Mistakes can occur at any point, and you want to correct them before the launch. Your community will appreciate your professionalism. Remember that they are investing in your project, so thorough planning is not only recommended, but also fair and respectful to your community.